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《Engineering Geology》主编 Juang CH教授学术报告预告

通讯员:教学与科技办公室 ;发布时间:2017-08-21  点击数:

报告题目:如何发表高水平SCI论文 (How to get published –Understanding the publishing process)

报告人:Juang CH, Chair Professor, Clemson University, USA




庄长贤(Juang CH)教授为美国克莱姆森大学土木工程格伦教授( Glenn Professor of Civil Engineering),他是克莱姆森大学第一个格伦教授获得者。庄教授主要从事水利水电工程渗流分析、边坡工程、岩石力学及岩土工程可靠度理论方面的研究。主持了美国国家自然科学基金以及美国地质调查局等多个机构资助的重大科研项目,总经费超过300万美元。任10余个国际学术组织主席或理事,如ASCE风险评估与管理委员会主席;任Engineering Geology主编、ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering副主编、Georisk等多个国际权威期刊编委;担任20余次国际会议主席或副主席,如ASCE Georisk 2011会议主席;在国际会议和世界知名大学做特邀报告70余次。在国际权威期刊如Geotechnique、Canadian Geotechnical Journal等发表SCI论文130余篇。他2007年当选ASCE Fellow,曾获多项国际学术奖励,如英国土木工程师学会(ICE)颁发T K Hsieh Award、 美国土木工程师学会优秀编委奖ASCE Outstanding Editorial Board Member Award、中国台北大地学会两年颁发一次的岩土工程最高奖Geotechnical Award等、美国克莱姆森大学工程与科学学院McQueen Quattlebaum faculty achievement award。


《工程地质》(Engineering Geology,SCI, IF = 2.569)期刊主编Juang CH教授分享发表高水平SCI论文经验。

In this presentation the speaker will discuss how to write a scientific paper that stands for a better chance to be accepted by an academic research journal. As an Editor in Chief for Engineering Geology, an international research journal in the field of geological and geotechnical engineering, the speaker has reviewed many excellent papers, and a much greater number of poorly written papers. Often, a paper possessed excellent technical contents but the reviewers were overwhelmed by poor English writing. There are many reasons a paper is rejected by an SCI-indexed journal and poor writing is easily on top of the list. In this talk, the speaker will share his experience with the Chinese audience on writing a publishable paper.




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